BAR ABBA: Coming of Age

Our society is obsessed with “eternal adolescence” coinciding in the a lack of recognition of when one is expected to take personal responsibility for their own lives, faith, and actions. At Valor Men’s Ministries, we desire to raise boys to become men of courage and consequence, who take personal responsibility, reject passivity, lead courageously, and invest eternally as a mighty man of valor.

We believe there is power in ceremony and having a clear transition from one stage of life to the next. The Scriptures say, “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things,” (1 Cor. 13:11). This is where a coming of age ceremony can be significant in the life of a man.

You’ve probably seen and heard about ceremonies like the Jewish “Bar Mitzvah” where a Jewish boy is officially recognized as an adult in the synagogue and life in the community. The term means "Son of the Law”, so technically the “bar-mitzah” is the person, not the ceremony. It is at this stage of his life that he becomes a full participating member of the Jewish community and is responsible for his own faithfulness and worship to God.

At VALOR Man Camp, we are hosting our first “Bar Abba” ceremony, meaning “Son of the Father”, as a coming of age ceremony designed to give a clear and powerful moment in the life of a 13 year old boy (or older) that he is now a man and that his father and the men around him are going to treat him as a man and train and equip him with the tools, character, and experiences he needs so that when he eventually leaves his childhood home and enters into the world, he can do so as a capable, anointed, and equipped man of God; a mighty man of valor. A ceremony like this is a pivotal moment where a boy comes to understand that he is now responsible for his own faith in God and participation in the Church.

This ceremony and celebration will be held around the campfire ring at camp, and will be preceded by an obstacle course that is designed to be rich in meaning and symbolism to create a memorable experience for both the Bar Abbas and those participating.

Ideas for Your Bar Abba:

• Special gifts to commemorate this momentous occasion that your son will take with him into his journey
(ideas such as a Bible, journal, pen, book{s} for growth, etc…)
• 2-3 men who you trust deeply who will partner with you to raise your son to be a man of valor, who can speak life and wisdom into your son.
(You are encouraged to have you and these men surround your son to pray and prophesy over him)
• A special commemoration activity such as knighting with a sword, anointing with oil, etc…

Resources for you fathers as you prepare for this season and ceremony
(it’s never to early to start)

• The Intentional Father by Jon Tyson (Buy on Amazon)
• Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms by Justin Whitmel Earley (Buy on Amazon)
• Raising Real Men (Click Here)
• Bringing Up Boys (Buy on Amazon)


*Fill out the form below to sign you and your teenage boy up to participate in this special and life changing ceremony: