Winter Camp

February 14-17, 2025


Winter Camp is a fun time of worship, fellowship, learning, staying warm around the fire, playing games, and outdoor recreation in the snow. Plan to join us for this fun camp.

Cost: $100 Adults (18 years +); $60 (ages 11-17); Kids 10 and under FREE

I Wanna Join!

If you are interested in coming out to have a good time with great people, register now to come out to the Big Sky Winter Camp.

*NOTE: Please submit a separate registration form for each camper/participant

Adult - Winter Camp

For Adults 18+ years.

Youth - Winter Camp

For teenagers ages 13-17.

Child - Winter Camp

For children 12 and under.


Need a Scholarship? Click here

No pets allowed at camp
, except for certified medical service dogs.

*If you are in an RV with a dog, you must keep your dog leashed in that area and pick up after your dog, Pets are not allowed on the grounds or in any building, including cabins.