Additional Household Campers
So you don't have to do multiple registrations, please fill out names of additional campers under the same home address
Camper Agreement
The following medications are available at camp as needed.
I authorize the staff on duty at Templed Hills to administer first aid as required for illness or injury. I hereby give permission to the physician or dentist selected by Templed Hills to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for those named on this Registration Form.
I voluntarily waive any claim against Templed Hills, its camp personnel or other person(s) transporting those listed on this registration, against all liability, claims, damages, attorney fees, expenses arising out of any loss, personal injury, accident, misfortune, or damage to the above named or his/her property, with the understanding that reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the health and safety of the above named.
I further authorize the camp to use photos or videos taken of those listed on this registration form at camp for Templed Hills promotion and advertising including print media for camp brochures, articles, and camp websites. At no time will camp photos be used by unrelated organizations.
Release from Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement: I understand my/our (those listed on this registration form) camp experience may include, among other physical activities: rock-climbing, rappelling, hiking skiing, snow-shoeing, swimming, running, playing games/sports, snowmobiling, ATV, white-water rafting, and riding in cars/vans.
1. I agree that I will not sue or otherwise make any claim against THBC, its employees, or it volunteers, for any loss, injury or damage resulting from any cause. I am aware of the inherent risks involved in the activities listed above, including but not limited to the risk of serious injury or death, and I hereby accept responsibility for the risks involved.
2. I agree that all equipment is used at my/our (those listed on this registration form) own risk. THBC and any other party shall not be held liable for injury resulting from use of equipment.
3. I understand that any route or activity chosen as part of a hike, game, or other outdoor adventure may not be the easiest but has been chosen for its interest and challenge for the participants.
4. To the fullest extend allowable by law, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless THBC and any of its officers, member, affiliated organizations, agents, volunteers, land/property owners, or employees, for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the activities associated with THBC, both scheduled or unscheduled, including transportation.
I understand that Templed Hills Baptist Camp has a strict policy which forbids the following behaviors:
Smoking | Bullying | Illegal drugs | Foul language (cursing) | Inappropriate dress | Alcohol Fighting | Vandalism/Theft | Any type of harassment.
I agree to help create a safe and positive learning environment at Templed Hills by not participating in any of the listed behaviors. By signing this form I also agree that if I do violate Templed Hills rules, I may be removed from the camp and sent home. No refunds will be made if campers are dismissed due to misbehavior or if a parent/guardian makes a choice to leave.