100 Year Celebration

Coming Home to Camp

DATES: July 3-6


Come home to camp to celebrate 100 years of ministry and history of the Lord’s faithfulness! It will be a week to remember, filled with worship, testimonies, games, fellowship, and fun. Registration is FREE, but sign up soon so we can prepare a wonderful camp for everyone!

And in case you can only make it for a day, Friday, July 5 would be your day to come as we’ll have a huge banquet dinner and presentation that evening to celebrate God’s faithfulness and camp’s history.

Check out the camp schedule by CLICKING HERE!!

Cost: FREE

$100 for 100 years

We are inviting YOU, one of 100 families, to donate $100 for 100 years of God’s faithfulness to Templed Hills Camp. If you’ve been here you know that camp is a special and awesome place that God does special and awesome things in the lives of all who come seeking His presence. We are asking for this donation specifically to help improve, update, repair, and restore the camp facilities and infrastructure, so that we can see God continue being faithful and blessing us with another 100 years!




Mail Registrations to:

Templed Hills Camp
PO Box 11731
Bozeman, MT 59719

No pets allowed at camp
, except for certified medical service dogs.

*If you are in an RV with a dog, you must keep your dog leashed in that area and pick up after your dog, Pets are not allowed on the grounds or in any building, including cabins.

What to Bring:

Pillow | Sleeping Bag | Towels & Washcloths | Hiking Shoes | Sport Shoes | Warm Jacket | Sweatshirt, shirts, jeans, long shorts, extra socks | a friend! | Toiletries | Camera | Swimsuit (modest) | Pen and Notebook | Bible | Flashlight | Laundry Bag | Spending Money for Canteen (which includes snacks, drinks, ice cream, treats, clothing, batteries, etc…)
*No short shorts, excessively hole-y jeans, or spaghetti straps. Please dress modestly.